How to choosing oil for cooking for different types of cooking?

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Oil is an important ingredient in cooking, which is classified as fat, a source of energy and also contains nutrients necessary for the body. Although oil is important to the body, consuming too much or using it incorrectly can cause harm and cause diseases to the body as well. Currently, there are many types of oil to choose from. Therefore, it is necessary to study information to compare and choose the type of oil to cook correctly.

First, let’s understand that cooking oil is divid into 2 types: vegetable oil and animal fat. Many people think that vegetable oil provides less energy, but in fact, both types of oil provide the same amount of energy : 1 gram of fat provides 9 kcal of energy.

However, vegetable fats (except coconut and palm oil) are mostly made up of unsaturat fats, while animal fats are mostly made up of saturat fats and higher in cholesterol.

When choosing oil for cooking, the difference between each type of oil is the smoking point , which tells us how much heat that type of oil can withstand. If the oil use is expos to too high a temperature, it will cause the fat to break down and form free radicals that are harmful to the body.

The issue of cooking oil is still a hot topic and debated all the time, whether it is better to eat pork fat than vegetable oil, Today, UFABET we will learn about the types of oil and how to choose them for cooking. There are 3 main types of

Fatty acids in food : saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Each bottle of cooking oil contains different proportions of each type of fatty acid. In general, cooking oil is divid into 3 types:

Oils that are mainly compos of saturated fatty acids , such as pork fat, coconut oil, and palm oil. These oils are highly stable and can withstand high heat well. Making them suitable for food that requires a lot of heat, such as fried food. They help make the food crispy and delicious.

Saturat fatty acids increase LDL-Cholesterol in the blood, so they should be consum in small quantities.

Oils that are mainly compos of monounsaturat fatty acids, such as olive oil, rice bran oil, sesame oil. And canola oil, are oils that are not heat-resistant and easily become rancid. They are suitable for food that requires low heat, such as salad dressing or stir-frying over low heat.

Monounsaturated fatty acids help lower LDL-Cholesterol levels but do not reduce HDL-Cholesterol in the blood. The exception to this type of oil is rice bran oil. In addition to being an oil with high monounsaturated fatty acids, it also has high temperature resistance. It can be use in every menu, both salad dressing, stir-frying and deep-frying.

Oils that mainly contain polyunsaturated fatty acids include soybean oil, sunflower seed oil and safflower seed oil. They are not heat-resistant and easily become rancid. They are suitable for food that uses low heat, such as stir-frying over low heat or salad dressing.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce both LDL-Cholesterol and HDL-Cholesterol levels in the blood.

Summarize: we should choose the right oil for each type of food for the benefits characteristics of the food that we want. But even if you choose oil that is beneficial to the body. Don’t forget to consume the right amount of fat. And don’t reuse the oil for frying because it will create substances that are harmful to the body.